Friday, January 18, 2019

Sony Music parts with R. Kelly – report | Music Business Worldwide

Sony Music has parted ways with singer R. Kelly.

The news, reported by Variety and Billboard, follows allegations of sexual abuse and harassment against the singer detailed in the recently released Surviving R. Kelly documentary.

R. Kelly’s back catalog will remain with Sony-owned RCA, according to Variety, which also states that an official external announcement won’t be made.

The artist has been signed to RCA since 2012, according to Billboard, having previously been under contract to Jive since the early 1990s.

Various allegations of sexual misconduct have made against Kelly for the better part of two decades, but he has never been convicted of a crime.

In May last year Spotify took action on ‘hateful’ content and conduct on its platform, with R. Kelly named as one of the first artists to be affected by the changes which saw his music removed from all playlists on the platform.Music Business Worldwide


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