Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Music and lifestyle companies are jockeying for each other's audiences. Who will win? | Water & Music

Happy belated New Year!! Whether or not you made any resolutions, hope you're still feeling refreshed and excited to make the world a better and more wholesome place this year through whatever you do, no matter how small the gesture.

Before we go on with today's essay, I wanted to share a personal update: in addition to my regular business reporting, I'm also on the founding editorial board for Molasses, a new alternative online music blog by, for and about young POC who are passionate about engaging critically with local/independent music scenes.

The first issue will be coming out this spring, and we're currently accepting pitches on a rolling basis for pieces of all types about (and/or by!) POC musicians: interviews, features, show recaps, reviews, personal essays, op-eds, multimedia, you name it. As a note of style, we are much less interested in breaking news than in breaking diverse perspectives and critiques of music as an art form and historical canon.

Please send any pitches and inquiries for the mag to molassesmag@gmail.com, and I or others on the board will get back to you as soon as we can! I've also posted publicly about the new venture on Facebook and Instagram, and encourage you to spread the word to anyone who may be interested. Thanks so much :)

[from http://bit.ly/2EBQi2V]

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