Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Forklift app – A Perfect Way to Work with Files on Mac | Evolvor Media

During the process of prolonged and active use, a great variety of different files accumulate upon your Mac: both necessary and unnecessary. So it becomes quite important to choose perfect way to workWhile working with various files, any minor factor can greatly facilitate the whole process. The better determination in such situations is a two-pane file manager. It’s worth noting that Forklift app is very simple in use: everything is organized on an intuitive level.

In Forklift app version, developers completely redesigned its interface. By the way, the Favorites menu has been added to the two-panel mode and the system for indicating the fulfillment of the tasks has been completely updated. The Favorites menu, except for bookmarks, shows Bonjour services. Navigation options by means of the keyboard also changed for the better: you can completely control each operation directly from the keyboard. The user is able to configure the management both himself or can use the ready-made command set by default. It is very convenient to use the tabs (except for the two panels already present): they can be saved and dragged. It is very handy that the terminal window can be opened from any directory that already includes the recurring path as the active one.

The client will synchronize any two directories: the synchronization settings window is filled with various filters, functions and parameters that easily and conveniently allow you to configure the entire synchronization process. Additionally, you can see what happens when the synchronization is completed before it starts, in order to fix the settings in advance, if something can go wrong.

Joining folders is a rational approach to working with Mac files

One more important function is the merging of folders. Forklift app is one of the first FTP clients that is able to merge folders by adding and updating files on Mac. Previously, FTP clients did not know how to merge folders that had the same name – they just replaced one folder to another, thus, the necessary files could be lost.

Drag and Drop is a well-known function. It is very easy to implement in Forklift app: you can drag files (regardless of the number) from one Forklift panel to another, or from another client, for example, the standard Finder into Forklift itself. Everything is easy and clear at the first use.

Forklift app offers many options for accessing various remote Mac file systems. Separately, it should be noted that navigation on remote systems is no different from navigating on your own disk, so you should not have any difficulties. Like other FTP clients, Forklift app can edit files directly on the selected server; also the client can copy the URL of the deleted files. And if the server with the files supports the protocol FXP, then you can copy files between the two servers without the participation of the local machine (usually the client downloads the file to the local temporary folder and sends it to the server after the changes).

Forklift comes with a full-featured Deleter application to remove the last “pieces” of applications, if you want to clear the storage on the Mac.

The main and most important features of Forklift app are:

  • the ability to connect to any remote file system (supported protocols: FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3, iDisk, SMB, AFP, NIS);
  • managing and working with files on the web;
  • synchronization, which can be configured exactly as you need it;
  • full information about files and setting up access to files;
  • configuring the Forklift app interface;
  • by means of “drops”, file upload management will become much easier;
  • for the most advanced users there is a “terminal” which allows specifying the commands for the client;
  • the ability to transfer data directly between FXP servers;
  • remote editing of files;
  • full management of the client using the keyboard;
  • overview of remote file archives;
  • possibility of group renaming of files;
  • the ability to save multiple files in one place for quick access using “stacks”;
  • ease of merging and splitting of various files;
  • Quick Look’s usage.

If you often work with a files’ wide amount, conduct various “operations” over them and just try to clean up your Mac or the server: Forklift app – perfect way to work with files on Mac. The client will greatly facilitate any work with files. Operating with them will be more convenient and faster.


The post Forklift app – A Perfect Way to Work with Files on Mac appeared first on Digital Media News & Training.


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