Thursday, May 24, 2018

Vevo To Shutter Apps, Site And Stream Only Via YouTube | hypebot

VevoVevo has announced that it will shut down its mobile apps and video web site in the coming weeks, and make YouTube its sole delivery platform.  The shift also strengthens YouTube's dominance in music just as it launches its biggest push into paid streaming yet.


Vevo is shuttering its mobile apps and web site, the music video service announced on Thursday. Vevo videos will continue to be available via YouTube, which the company says will include new and original content and video premiers. Vevo says that it is also "exploring ways to work with additional platforms to further expand access to Vevo’s content."

The company will continue to be the primary seller of Vevo-specific advertising on all distribution platforms. 

The move is likely a major cost saving measure for Vevo, which for most fans is known only as a logo in the corner of some music videos on YouTube.  For YouTube, the move could not have come at a better time,  just 2 days after the launch of its new YouTube Music subscription service.

"These moves help cure one of the biggest modern challenges for songwriters and music publishers."

Some in the music publishing community says that Vevo's switch to YouTube-only distribution is also good news for songwriters and music publishers. 

"For far too long, songwriters and music publishers have been getting the short stick from VEVO, with money flowing from VEVO to the labels but not being properly sent to Publishers," says publisher Songtrust's GM and co-founder, Joe Conyers III . "As a result, Publishers constantly had to audit the labels to correct frequent inaccuracies, 

"These moves help cure one of the biggest modern challenges for songwriters and music publishers: the abuse of the controlled composition clause in many artists label contracts" he continues . Many of which are entirely unenforceable by the artist as they don’t have the rights to give to the label in the first place, and pushing the artist to be at odds with their songwriters. Now with Vevo paying this primarily through Youtube Publishers and songwriters will be able to get paid much much more quickly and accurately." 

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