Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Spotify considering move into hardware | UNLIMITED | CMU


Now that the long-awaited new deals with the record companies are starting to fall into place, we need some new Spotify gossip to waste away the days with, so here’s something.

A job ad posted by the streaming firm suggests it has plans to move into proprietary hardware for the first time. Having heard on the grapevine of the new hardware ambitions, the Zatz Not Funny website spotted a recruitment ad for a Senior Product Manager – Hardware who will lead “an initiative to deliver hardware directly from Spotify to existing and new customers; a category defining product akin to Pebble Watch, Amazon Echo and Snap Spectacles”.

Of course, those are three quite different products, so it’s not entirely clear what kind of gadgets Spotify currently has in mind to make. Though the ad probably means that the streaming firm wants to create a new bit of hardware that is as “category defining” as the Pebble Watch, Amazon Echo and Snap Spectacles, but not necessarily a watch, a speaker or a pair of specs. Indeed, Team Spotify may themselves not yet be entirely clear on what that gadget may be exactly.

The since removed job ad went on: “You will define the product requirements for internet-connected hardware, the software that powers it, and work with suppliers/manufacturers to deliver the optimal Spotify experience to millions of users. Above all, your work will affect the way the world experiences music and talk content”.

So, nicely vague and no official comment to date; perfect for fuelling a whole new genre of random Spotify speculation. Let’s do it, let’s speculate. Not here, I’m busy. But feel free to speculate on your own time.

[from http://ift.tt/2lvivLP]

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